Users can lock-on a file containing custom levels to play. Can Lock-On to other ROMs, including the Sonic games that would normally enable special modes when locked-on to Sonic & Knuckles.

Saving and code entry are disabled while this mode is active, and the game will reset upon completion of the last stage. Select "SONIC 3K" on the first menu, and you will play through all 16 of Sonic 3 & Knuckles' Special Stages in order, including the 2 "secret" ones. You can now press Start at the first screen to reach the menu, instead of holding A + B + C.
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If holding A while pressing Start to start a stage, the player starts all stages from then on at top speed (not saved between sessions). Download popular programs, drivers and latest updates easily Blue Spheres Forever is a fun and entertaining game that allows you to build your own custom special stages like the ones in a Sonic series game. SRAM support to remember the character you last selected, and the last level completed. Includes all the original levels, a level editor, and all the Blue Spheres stages can be played by entering the 12-digit code. Mods Script Mods Gameplay Modifications Faster Blue Spheres. readme.md Blue Spheres Forever A fan remake of Sonic 3 and Sonic&Knuckles special stage, 'Blue Spheres'.
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Pressing B or C now cycles between Sonic + Tails (blue + orange bumpers), Sonic alone (both blue), Tails (both orange), Knuckles + Tails (red + orange bumpers), and Knuckles (both red). But one of the most important items worth looking out for are Soul Spheres. Faster Blue Spheres - A Mod for Sonic 3 A.I.R. This is a hack of the game that is unlocked when Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic the Hedgehog are Locked-On. Blue Spheres Forever is a fun and entertaining game that allows you to build your own custom special stages like the ones in a Sonic series game.